Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Religious Cultures in Asia: Mutual Transformations through Multiple Modernities 2018.2
A report of an international workshop, “Religious Cultures in Asia: Mutual Transformations through Multiple Modernities” held October 20, 2018.
Program (2018.10.20)
– MIURA Takashi “The Vision of Asia in Ōmoto’s Ofudesaki” [*abstract]
– HUANG Yueh-Po “The Inculturation of Tenrikyo in Postwar Taiwan” [*abstract]
– David WEISS “Founding Myths of the Japanese State: The Changing Perception of China and
its Influence on Early Modern Japanese Identity”
– SAITO Kota “The Transfiguration of Karagokoro: the Reception of the Mito School Thought
by National Learning in the Meiji Period” [*abstract]
– NISHIDA Shoichi “Kakei Katsuhiko and his Manchurian Imprint”
– TAKASE Kohei “Monuments to Worship and Warfare: The Intricate Relationship between
Religions and Modernities in Japanese Monuments”
– Mateja ZABJEK “Reconsidering the Relationship between Japanese Martial arts and Religion:
Case Study of Mt. Mitsumine and Kyokushin Karate”
– NGUYEN Thu Hang and LUU Thi Thu Thuy “Comparison of the Worship of the Tu Di Gong
between Japan and Vietnam”
– ABE Satoshi “Islamic Debates on the Environment: An Examination of Religious Rationales
in Contemporary Iran”
– NG Ka Shing “When Japanese Buddhism and Chinese Folk Religion Meet in Hong Kong:
Representation and Interpretation of Soka Gakkai in the Chinese Settings”
– MOON Byeong-June “Democratization of Science and Technology via Religion?: The Case of
Won Buddhism and its Historical Periodization”
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