Education and Research

Updated on Jul 28 2021

From advanced education to excellent education

At Kokugakuin University we believe that advanced research is connected to excellent education. For both of these to be united and to develop together, we have established two development promotion institutes.

Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development

The Organization for the Advancement of Research and Development, which has the purpose of the prioritized promotion of research activities and the dissemination of research results, is comprised of three jointly used research institutes – namely, the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, the Curatorial Research Center, the Kokugakuin Academic Resource Center – and the Center for the Promotion of Research and Development, which conducts planning and other related activities. These institutions support the research activities at Kokugakuin University.

Institute for Advancement of Teaching and Learning

The purpose of the Institute for Advancement of Teaching and Learning is to establish an educational system that embodies the school motto. and is comprised of three centers – namely the Educational Development Center, the Common Educational Center, and the Study Support Center. The faculty members work together to advance projects that are necessary for the improvement of educational capabilities.

Contact: Public Relations Office