Table of Research Expenses and Funding Selections

Updated on Jun 18 2024

List of External Research Funds and Funding Selections

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Agency for Cultural Affairs Support Project

 This project began in FY2014, as a joint effort by cultural institutions and public groups in the Tokyo Metropolitan area to activate art museums and history museums as centers of local culture, and in cooperation with local communities, to utilize the diverse possibilities of art museums and history museums, with Kokugakuin University Museum as a core member.

 In FY2015, Kokugakuin University implemented the “Museum cooperative project to disseminate Japanese culture internationally from Shibuya, Tokyo” in cooperation with Shibuya-ku, Yamatane Museum of Art, and Toyo Bunko, which was selected by the Agency for Cultural Affairs as their support project. This project aims to contribute to the development of culture and promotion of local communities, improvement of academic research, human development, and lifetime education through utilization and exchange of the intellectual and material resources of the cooperating museums, and through mutual cooperation in such fields as culture and art, education, and local development.

Please referherefor more information on the museum cooperative project.

Project to promote academic research at private universities (Open Research Center Project)※ Completed

 In FY1999, “Basic research on the reuse and documentation of deteriorated images” was selected as an academic frontier project, and approximately ¥74,000,000 was provided over the subsequent 5 years as special assistance for an operating expense subsidy. Following this, “Wisdom and practice of tradition, learning through things and mind” was selected as a FY2007 new project for an open research center project.

 Following this selection, this University prepares and develops a Traditional Culture Research Center.

Please seehere for more information on the Traditional Culture Research Center.

List of University research funds and funding selections

Educational research with distinctive features

Selected research with distinctive educational research features in FY 2015 was as follows.

  • Research subject: Basic study on practice of Active Learning utilizing digital technology
    Principal researcher: Akiyoshi Inoue, Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Creation of text for Department of Foreign Languages and Culture Studies special studies, “English Exercise 2”
    Principal researcher: Yuka Iwase, Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Establishing a GIS (Geographic Information System) curriculum and historical study in the Department of History
    Principal researcher: Yasuhiro Taniguchi, Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Promotion of group work learning and the construction of its systematic completion, as well as FA development
    Principal researcher: Takahiro Negishi, Professor, Faculty of Economics
  • Research subject: Creating shared audiovisual educational materials and system building regarding “Shinto” and “theology”
    Principal researcher: Jun Endo, Associate Professor, Faculty of Shinto Studies
  • Research subject: Educating health and sports coaches with deeper understanding of sensory organs and sensory functions
    Principal researcher: Hideki Hara, Professor, Faculty of Human Development

Joint Faculty Research Fund

The following research projects were selected for the FY2015 Joint Faculty Research Fund .

  • Research subject: Multifaceted examination of Germanic language and culture in the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
    Principal researcher: Setsutaro Shishido, Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Collecting voice materials maintaining historic layers of metropolitan area dialects
    Principal researcher: Mariko Kuno, Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Study of various problems related to dissemination of Japanese culture – from diversity of subject localities
    Principal researcher: Naomichi Kurosawa, Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Confucianism and Literature in the Later Han Period
    Principal researcher: Kiyotaka Hasegawa, Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Verification of the effect of Active Learning based on interviews with students
    Principal researcher: Koichi Shoji, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics
  • Research subject: Study on the development of hybrid educational materials and texts utilizing open data
    Principal researcher: Naoko Takahashi, Professor, Faculty of Economics
  • Research subject: Building a quality assurance system for education 4) Creation of educational materials for introduction to admission system subjects
    Principal researcher: Nobuyuki Takahashi, Professor, Faculty of Law
  • Research subject: Study on enriching political science education
    Principal researcher: Kaoru Ohara, Professor, Faculty of Law
  • Research subject: Paternalism and modern society
    Principal researcher: Kenichi Yokoyama, Professor, Faculty of Law
  • Research subject: Survey and study for the development of educational materials related to shrines and Japanese classical studies
    Principal researcher: Tomoo Saito, Associate Professor, Faculty of Shinto Studies
  • Research subject: Survey and study related to creation of textbooks to outline Shinto shrine services
    Principal researcher: Sadasumi Modegi, Professor, Faculty of Shinto Studies
  • Research subject: Study on measures for fostering Japanese language ability for academic reading and academic writing.
    Principal researcher: Nobuko Narita, Professor, Faculty of Human Development
  • Research subject: Clinical research on the jury system through mock trials
    Principal researcher: Satoru Shinomiya, Professor, Law School

Kokugakuin University Special Fund to Promote Research

The following research projects were selected for Kokugakuin University fund for specially promoting research in FY 2015.

  • Research subject: Distribution survey of groups of remains in caves and under rocks from the Jomon period in the Joushinetsu highlands
    Principal researcher: Yasuhiro Taniguchi, Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Succession, transformation, and creation of traditional authority in modern East Asia
    Principal researcher: Hidemi Higuchi, Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Study on the political system of ancient Sparta: Focus on the relationship between the kings and the ephors
    Principal researcher: Masato Furuyama, Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Research subject: Comprehensive study on religious culture educational materials from a modern perspective
    Principal researcher: Nobutaka Inoue, Professor, Faculty of Shinto Studies
  • Research subject: McKeever’s later phase “social science” theory and Columbia social science
    Principal researcher: Shinji Karita, Professor, Faculty of Law
  • Research subject: Study on the impact of U.S. public accounting standards on Japan
    Principal researcher: Ryota Kaneko, Professor, Faculty of Economics
  • Research subject: The network of international trade and investment – from the perspective of econophysics
    Principal researcher: Katsuhide Takahashi, Professor, Faculty of Economics
  • Research subject: Survey research on the role and significance of the actual condition of labor supply projects by labor unions
    Principal researcher: Shuichi Hashimoto, Professor, Faculty of Economics
  • Research subject: Basic study on building a business study framework for product quality problems
    Principal researcher: Hirokazu Hoshino, Professor, Faculty of Economics
  • Research subject: International comparative study of the development of children’s language during childhood contact period and teachers’ guidance
    Principal researcher: Asato Yoshinaga, Research Associate, Faculty of Human Development
  • Research subject: Development of instructional design for fostering next-generation abilities, using digital pen and tablet
    Principal researcher: Takahiro Teramoto, Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Development
  • Research subject: Study on the process for building a support platform for community education and upbringing
    Principal researcher: Hidefusa Natsuaki, Professor, Faculty of Human Development

Kokugakuin University publication grant

The following research projects were selected for Kokugakuin University publication grant in FY2009.

【Grant for Publication】

  • Publication title: “Modern Japan of Juveniles and Youths – a Social History of Character Building and Education”
    Applicant: Hajime Tajima, Professor, Faculty of Letters
  • Publication title: “Investigation seen from Trial Hearing – Re-evaluation from the Perspective of Preliminary Hearing”
    Applicant: Hisao Takauchi, Professor, Law School