Projects and Activities

Updated on Jul 25 2024

The following is a list of projects and activities conducted to date.

  • State of Activities


    • Creation and management of academic assets centering on the Goin Collection
    • Establishment of national academic research on the worship of Shinto gods through a regional comprehensive survey
    • Problems in modern Japanese political history – The legacy and liabilities of Inoue Kowashi
    • Research on Shogunate penal codes and punishments
    • Operation of seminars on ritsuryo (ancient penal codes)


    • Creation of a University archive for Kokugakuin University
    • Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University


    • Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University
    • Creation of a University archive for Kokugakuin University


    • Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University
    • Creation of a University archive for Kokugakuin University


    • Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University
    • Creation of a University archive for Kokugakuin University


    • Creation of a University archive for Kokugakuin University
    • Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University


    • Creation of a University archive for Kokugakuin University
    • Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University


    • Creation of a University archive for Kokugakuin University
    • Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University

University History Research Department: Research and Publications on the Development of the Study of Classical Works at Kokugakuin University (FY2014 to FY2016)

Based on the foundational goals of the University History and Academic Asset Research Center (which are to produce academic references related to the University’s history, use those references for education about the history of the University, and promote the University’s history outside of the University as well), this project aims to conduct academic research on the history of work on classical works in particular over the course of the University’s history, exhibit the results of that research in the Kokugakuin University Museum, and disseminate that research through the creation of simple booklets.

In addition to continuing with work to collect, preserve, and manage materials related to the history of Kokugakuin University, and work to collect and analyze surveys on the creation and correction of a humanities subtext, Shinto and Bunka, along with other educational materials, this project also hosts research seminars on the history of research on classic works at this University. Specifically, this project conducts studies and research on the history of research subjects at Kokugakuin University, including the history of lectures and research papers related to classics such as Kojiki, Nihon Shoki, Manyoshu, and ancient legal codes, in line with the principles of the founding spirit of Kokugakuin University, which encourage the study of the history, culture, and law of Japan. The results of this research are systematically summarized through research seminars and other activities. Lastly, this project creates simple booklets about the history of research on classical works at Kokugakuin University. These booklets are distributed at lectures and other events held by this organization, and at the Kokugakuin University Museum. Classes are also taught by the instructors and researchers of this Center. The system for education on the history of this University is continuously improved through the accumulation of these and other achievements.

Academic Asset Research Division: Research and dissemination of the academic assets of Kokugakuin University (FY2015 to FY2017)

This project is a continuation of a series of projects, starting with “Research and Publication of the Academic Assets of Kokugakuin University” (2008 to 2010), “Development and Publication of the Academic Assets of Kokugakuin University” (2011 to 2013) and “Development and Publication of Academic Assets Centering on the Study of the History of Japan at Kokugakuin University” (2014). The results of research into the academic assets of Kokugakuin University are published on the home page of the Kokugakuin Library, and exhibited at the Kokugakuin University Museum. This is all done in the aim of passing on the results of research to the communities in the main campus and Shibuya campus, and utilizing research in the classes taught by the instructors and researchers of this Center.

This project published addendums and additions to rare works hosted on the Digital Library of the Kokugakuin University Library. In other words, it creates addendums, which add explanations to rare works posted on the Digital Library through research on those works. It also places new additions onto the Digital Library – works from among Kokugakuin University’s academic assets that are deemed to be of high academic value.

Furthermore, this project works to introduce the academic assets of Kokugakuin University to a wide range of the general public based on the results of research published in publications such as Kokugakuin University School History and Academic Asset Research, which carries the explanatory addendums discussed above and serves as the bulletin for this Center, Kokugakuin University Ancient Text Synopses – Middle Ages Literature, and Kokugakuin University Ancient Text Synopses – Modern Literature, which serve as indices for the collection of this Center.

In FY2015, this Center intends to hold an exhibition centering on ancient literature, and an exhibition centering on medieval and modern history.

Shinobu Orikuchi Commemorative Research Lab

For details, please see the web page on the Shinobu Orikuchi Commemorative Research Lab.

Contact: Public Relations Office